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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I have never skated before. Can I still join?

A. Yes! Our recreational club allows skaters of all levels, new or old, to enjoy the sport of figure skating. 


Q. Are there tryouts for the compeditive team?

A. We do not hold try-outs or cut skaters, but do require that you have passed at least your Pre-Preliminary Freeskate USFSA test or equivelent in ISI. In BGSU Club Figure Skating we emphasize the fact that being a competitive team requires putting our best skaters on the ice. That being said, we try our best to accommodate everyone, holding the integrity of the team as our first priority.


Q. If I join BGSU Club Figure Skating am I still able to compete in qualifying and other standard U.S. Figure Skating competitions?

A. Yes! The level of skaters at intercollegiate competitions varies. Many highly competitive skaters use these events as a supplement to their regular U.S. Figure Skating competitions.


Q: What is the advantage to having figure skating as a school sport?

A: Skaters who skate on collegiate teams get to have the experience of being part of a team that represents the college just like other sports. And, since our club is student run, skaters gain experience in leadership, organization and teamwork that are very valuable after graduation. Not only that, we get to meet new people and have a great time!


Q: Can I join other clubs or Greek life? Will I have time outside of skating?

A: Yes, we encourage all of our members to embrace the full college expereince and join other organizations. Many of our skaters are in sororities, academic clubs, and other organizations on campus. 

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